Archive for October 2007

Why Move?

I just got done reading this NY Times article about city people and the new fear they feel by moving to woodside country houses. If you could convert middle America’s stereotype of the “liberal elite” into a solid, liquify that solid, put it in a bottle, dip your quill into it and write out an […]

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I agreed with this sentiment from the war’s beginning: If people fear the bloodshed that will occur in federalizing the country, well hey, it’s been underway for quite some time now.

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Mad Busy

Sorry for the lack of writing, but application essays are sapping my editorial resolve. In the meantime, stay awesome.

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Thank You, Watson the Cat

I always figured I would never like cats, and certainly would never put a photo of one on my website. But it’s a testament to Watson that after G and I adopted Watson and his bro Holmes, Watson cured me of cat-hatred by being one friendly and personable mini-dude. He did weird things like sitting […]

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Very Moving

I just read this piece by Christopher Hitchens from Vanity Fair and thought I should post it: A Death in the Family It hit a little close to home, I think. I come from a liberal Irish family too and have a brother in the military, and as a result I really got the part […]

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