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U.S. Navy
U.S. Marine Corps
Tulane University
Blackboard Instructions

All Tulane University Naval ROTC students are required to have a Blackboard account.

In order to have a blackboard account, all Tulane Naval ROTC students must register for any of the corresponding Naval Science Labs:
Call Number Course ID
16741 NAVS 101-41
16747 NAVS 200-41
16756 NAVS 301-41
16762 NAVS 401-41

All Tulane University students are given access to the Tulane Blackboard system. Access to the system is achieved by logging in with the student's RS6000 account username and password. In order to obtain an RS6000 username and password, students must activate their accounts at the Computer Services Center in the Richardson Building. Students who do not activate their accounts at the Richardson Building will be denied access to blackboard.

Cross-town Tulane Naval ROTC students must speak with the Communications Officer in order to receive a username and password for the Tulane Blackboard system.

Access Tulane Blackboard

Tulane NROTC Unit
6823 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118-5698
Tel. (504) 865-5104 | Fax (504) 862-8768 | 800-800-NAVY | DSN 678-1634

United States Navy | United States Marine Corps | Tulane University